Boy Scouts of America

Troop 270


Things that went wrong.....

Murphy's Law:
If anything can go wrong.... it will.

In all fairness, Troop 270 actually has very few things go wrong, due to the Troop's typically safe practices, constant oversight of the boys and their activities, and generally looking out for each other. However, it is fun to highlight the few things that do occasionally go wrong!

Contributions are welcome!
Scoutmaster Doug's Section

(This may become a separate page
or a complete website -
website name suggestions are welcome!)

Doug broke a lantern
Fishing camping trip, Oct. 24-26, 2008

Doug broke the sledge hammer's handle
Fishing camping trip, Oct. 24-26, 2008

Doug broke the trailer door tie-back
Fishing camping trip, Oct. 24-26, 2008

Doug broke Robin's heart
Too many occasions to count

Broken #5 patrol box door
This too is being blamed on Doug
Fiesta Island, September, 2008

Mitchell's Caverns Camping Trip
February, 2009
Doug didn't break anything!

"click" for larger image
Whittling Slippage
Camp Chawanakee, July 2008

"click" for larger image
Sunbathing Accident
Camp Chawanakee, July, 2008

"click" for larger image
Lesson learned:  Let pans cool
BEFORE placing them in wash pan
Bicycle Camping Trip
August, 2007

Kilroy was here "click" for larger image
A "whoops" prevented....
We would have had a blow-out
if Tom hadn't noticed the balding trailer tire
(Death Valley, February, 2007)

"click" for larger image
Northern Tier, 2009
Lou burns the handle off of
the crew's "dipping cup".

"click" for larger image
Lou also managed to burn his synthetic shirt
with fireplace embers.... 
The photos did not do the matter justice.
There was no time for a photo
But there should have been one taken of Lou
picking up dozens of fireplace matches
from the Huntington Beach Boardwalk
August 29, 2009

Robin Woolsey's Contribution to the "Whoops" page

Minutes of the 5/11/2010 Committee Meeting

As the "Recording Secretary" for the Troop's Committee Meetings,
Robin usually does a pretty good job.
NOT this time!
See how many mistakes you can spot!
(Hint:  the ones that I could find are highlighted.)
Note the spelling of our former Scoutmaster,
and of one of our Eagle candidates
(who Robin seems to think is 27 years old)
as well as NUMEROUS other errors.

Robin may try to unfairly blame this on his personal secretary, but
Troop 270 holds ROBIN accountable!

At the next Committee Meeting, the Committee will likely vote
to retain Robin as Recording Secretary until he GETS IT RIGHT!
(This will take years)

Robin quickly fixed the minutes, but not before he handed-out
this mistake-riddled copy.

"click" for larger image
Life Scout Tyler zip-tied his finger
(There SHOULD be an award for inept Scouting!)
(Civil War Re-enactbment, April, 2011)



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