Boy Scouts of America

Troop 270

In Memory of George Fajardo

Please feel free to send me any photos or written thoughts, etc. to add

Sad News

This posting is made with regret and sorrow.
Our friend George Fajardo passed away on
Sunday, December 10,  2006.


A few photos

George Fajardo - Old Goat Patrol, T-270

George will be remembered fondly for "Simon Says"
And his great sense of humor...
Proud father of four, including two Eagle Scouts and one Gold Star Girl Scout
A great friend and supporter of Troop 270

"Special" is a word thas is used to describe something one-of-a-kind like a hug or a sunset or a person who spreads love with a smile or kind gesture. "Special" describes people who act from the heart and keep in mind the hearts of others. "Special" applies to something that is admired and precious and which can never be replaced. "Special" is the word that best describes my father, George Fajardo. The greatest gift my father left to his family is the gift of love and the art in laughter.
Teri Fernandez

     In life, we as kids, teenagers and young adults get so caught up in our studies, jobs, friends, dances and other commitments that we sometimes overlook whats important such as the little "Thank You", the hugs good-bye, those little moments when wisdom is greatly needed but seldom ever asked.
  As once a child myself and now an adult and a mother of two I often wonder how our parents are able to put in an eight hour day at work, clean the house, be in involved in Scouts or Church activities, and manage to keep up with the social life of an ever growing and changing child, teenager, or young adult.
   Believe me, this is not an easy task, but if my father had not been there for all those little moments I don't feel that I would have accomplished all that I have or even become the person that I am today. I am just glad that I had those moments to tell him how much he meant to me. I only wish he could be here so I could tell him just once more. 
    So remember the next time you are running out the door don't forget to let that someone know how much they mean to you.
    This is a "Thank You!" to all those parents who run those endless errands, work that stressful job, help out with late night homework, provide rides to school and social activities, are there to guide us in our scouting experiences and achievements, provide financial support for our unexplainable hobbies & sense of style but most importantly for the love, support and wisdom that will someday mold us into the person that we have not knowingly aimed to be which is that of our parents.
Cynthia Fajardo
(the daughter of George Fajardo)

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George, Chris and Missy in Death Valley
November, 2005
(I believe this was George's last Boy Scout Campout)

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Big Bear Campout
June, 2005

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George, Missy, Robin and Tom
Big Bear Lake Campout
June, 2005

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Don and George
Palomar Campout
May, 2005

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Palomar Campout
May, 2005
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George and Chris
Camporee / Sheriff's Rodeo
September, 2004
(George made plantains.... which were awesome)
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Webelos Woods
August, 2004
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Scout's Own
Big Bear, June 2005
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