Boy Scouts of America

Troop 270

Draining Shaver Lake
(Camp Chewanakee)

Posted at Ray B.'s suggetion


Hey Stan. I got these from a friend at work. I had no idea they were draining Shaver Lake. I thought it would be cool to share these with the troop since we’ve been to Chawanakee so many times. These are very cool pictures.

Things in these photos not seen for over 100 years.  I love the way the big dam is referred to as  "The New Dam".  Built in 1927!!                        Enjoy..........Dick Arnold     ( I have often wondered what a lake would look like empty)


They have been excavating at the base of the dam so they can apply the
rubber boot lower on the face of the dam.

For this phase, they have let out more water and it is about as low as it can go?
A stream comes into the lake over on the upper-left section of the lake bed
somewhere (back by the far trees in the background) and it wanders across
the lake bed and exits at the dam over on the right.

"click" for larger image

In the image above, the "old" dam (used pre-1920) is barely seen in the shadows
near the center of the image.  The "old" dam held back the "old" lake towards the
background, i.e. the lake was on the far side of the "old" dam, feed by the creek.
The old saw mill and town were on this side of the old dam, i.e. in the foreground
of the image above.  A flume carrying the logs from the saw mill down to Clovis
went down the hill starting where the new dam is currently sitting.

They have the area fenced off, but this is not an issue if you have good optics ...
The creek wandering across the lake bed is seen here as it approaches the "old" dam
from the far side of the dam (the top of the old dam is barely seen in the foreground
of this image)

"click" for larger image

Then the old dam (rock & earth) is seen here, with a spillway letting the water out of the
bottom of the old dam

"click" for larger image

Over on the left, we see some old stone structures and equipment

"click" for larger image

"click" for larger image

And zooming in on the spill way ....

"click" for larger image

"click" for larger image

It is sort of surprising to me that what appears to be a wooden structure is
still standing and appears to still work after 90 yrs of being under water.

"click" for larger image

The lake bed has a feeling like space ship Rover was taking the images ...
where no man has walked in 100yrs, frozen in time ...

"click" for larger image

Especially with the long afternoon shadows ....

"click" for larger image



Stan's comment - next time the Troop goes to Camp Chewanakee, the Scouts should remember these photos.  
A lot different look for the lake compared to the pretty surface.

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