Boy Scouts of America

Troop 270

Death Valley
November 11-13, 2005

(Photos by Tom)

We camped at Mesquite Springs
Dave O's truck died in Stovepipe Wells

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Scotty's Castle

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Chris, Missy and George
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Group Photo
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Harmony Borax Works
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20 Mule Team Wagon
(without the mules)
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Devil's Golf Course
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Sea-Level Sign as seen from the lowest
Spot in the Western Hemesphere
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Badwater Basin
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Salt Flats
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Natural Bridge
(Dominique and Tyler under the bridge)
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Artist's Palette
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Moonrise over the badlands
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Terri and Mike explore
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Sunrise over Death Valley
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Some of the boys slept with the coyotes


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Father and Son
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Group photo at Ubehebe Crater
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WAY down there,
at the bottom of the crater
are Dave J. and a bunch of Boy Scouts
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Climbing through the marble of
Mosaic Canyon
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The energy of youth
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Sunset over Death Valley

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Please let me know if I made any mistakes,
or if you have a better caption!



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